Moved to WordPress

Took the plunge and migrated my blog to WordPress. Thanks to this PHP script it wasn’t that much work. Some issues with titles that contained the every odd character but other than that the migration went pretty smooth.

Hopefully this will revive my blogging spirit a bit. PivotX was sometimes pretty cumbersome to work with, I had to manually edit the HTML just a tad bit too often. And editing the HTML was quite tedious, it opened a new window with its own save button, not very fun to work with. Now I can simply toggle between Visual and Text. Other than that WordPress simply has more to offer, like plug-ins and themes that you can install on the fly. Being a big CMS has its drawbacks too of course. Installed Wordfence and Disable XML-RPC to keep out the bad guys. Hopefully it doesn’t get that bad that I have to resort to solutions like fail2ban. We’ll see.

Moved to WordPress

Switching to English

During LAC2013 it became clear to me that I have quite some non-Dutch blog readers. So I made up the balance and decided to switch to English as the main language for this blog. Other factors that got me around:

  • Blogging in English will hopefully improve my proficiency of the Englsih language
  • There are more people doing Linux audio that master English than those that master Dutch
  • Apparently I write articles sometimes that deserve some broader attention
  • The main language within the Linux audio community is also English

So there we are, I’m going to start writing English blog posts from now on. The blog itself will go into a transitional phase now, I have to translate some captions and I need to rethink the whole category and tags part of the blog.

Switching to English

Linux Home Recording

Sinds kort is er een blogger (Reteo Varala) actief die zeer uitgebreide artikelen aan het schrijven is over Linux audio. Zeker de moeite waard om te checken, temeer daar hij al aardig wat handleidingen heeft gemaakt en vooral het praktische gedeelte van Linux audio belicht zonder daarbij het technische aspect uit het oog te verliezen. Veel te weinig mensen doen dat (of gaan in hun moerstaal bloggen) en Reteo’s blog is dan ook een verademing.

Linux Home Recording – Make noise with Open Source!

Linux Home Recording

Lekker sleutelen

Dit wordt mijn nieuwe Linux blogje waarin ik me vooral focus op het maken van muziek met GNU/Linux. Dit vergt namelijk nog wel enig gesleutel aan je distro. Ik wil hier op dit blog dan ook alle info zetten die ik bij elkaar gescharreld heb en mijn ervaringen delen die ik heb opgedaan tijdens het sleutelen aan mijn systemen en het produceren van muziek met GNU/Linux.

Lekker sleutelen