The title says it all. I bought a SSL certificate at Xolphin, installed it and then I had to hunt down all the things that didn’t work anymore. I even managed to render the HTTP version of unreachable for about a day. But now everything seems to be working so I activated a rewrite rule that redirects all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. There are some bits that might not work as expected (embedded videos not displaying, warnings about unsecure content) but most of my blog should be accessible now in a secure way. If you encounter any issues, please let me know.
The certificate I’m using is a Comodo Positive SSL certificate with Domain Validation. So I’m getting a padlock but not the green address bar, for a green bar you need at least an Extended Validation certificate and that gets a bit expensive. I generated an Apache SSL configuration with the Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator but left out the OCSP stuff. I did add the HSTS header (HTTP Strict Transport Security header) because it really helped with getting that desired A+ rating in the Qualys SSL Labs SSL Server Test.