LAC 2011

De Linux Audio Conference is volgend jaar in Ierland  en wel van 6 tot 8 mei. En met mijn huidige kennis mbt Linux audio en als contributor kom ik er bijna niet onderuit om zelf ook een presentatie te doen, maar ons mannetje viert 9 mei wel zijn eerste verjaardag dus hoogstwaarschijnlijk komt het gewoon niet uit naar Ierland te gaan en zal ik verstek moeten laten gaan. We zien het wel, nog genoeg tijd om daarover na te denken.

Dear Linux Audio developer, user, composer, musician, philosopher
and anyone else interested, you are invited to the…

Linux Audio Conference 2011
The Open Source Music and Audio Software Conference

May 6-8 2011
Music Department, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Maynooth, Co.Kildare, Ireland

As in previous years, we will have a full programme of talks, workshops and music.
Two calls will be issued, a Call for Papers (see below) and Call for Music (soon to be announced).

Further information will be found in the LAC2011 website (under  construction).

================ CALL FOR PAPERS =================

Papers on the following categories (but not limited to them) are now
invited for submission:

* Ambisonics
* Education
* Live performance
* Audio Hardware Support
* Signal Processing
* Music Composition
* Audio Languages
* Sound Synthesis
* Audio Plugins
* Music Production
* Linux Kernel
* Physical Computing
* Interface Design
* Linux Distributions
* Networked Audio
* Video
* Games
* Media Art
* Licensing

We very much welcome practical papers resp. software demos (“how I use
Linux Audio applications to create my music/media art”).

Paper length: 4-8 pages, with abstract (50-100 words) and up to 5 keywords.
Language: English.
The copyright of the paper remains with the author, but we reserve the
right to create printed proceedings from all submitted (and accepted) papers.

Submission deadline: 15/January 2011
Notification of acceptance: 7/March 2011
Camera-ready papers: 1/April 2011

Queries: Victor Lazzarini, NUI Maynnooth

LAC 2011

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